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Imagine a future when the lights in your home stay on, even though a storm knocks out the power grid. This could be possible with an energy-efficient, solar-powered smart battery. Not only would this type of battery keep your home powered in a hurricane, but it would also save you a tremendous amount of money on electricity bills.

Many believe that residential smart batteries, rooftop solar panels and other energy-saving technology will be just as common as televisions and microwaves in the years ahead. Let’s look at what is already available today:

1) Smart Batteries and Home Battery Storage

Did you know that power plants usually make more electricity than we need at any given time? Most of this extra energy is lost because we lack the technology for storing the surplus electricity. Not only is this bad for the environment, but it drives up electricity costs.

However, with smart home batteries, this problem could soon disappear. New battery tech is providing a way to store surplus energy for later use. In some cases, home owners will generate their own energy and sell the excess. For example, Tesla’s Powerwall is a smart battery product that stores excess energy produced by a home’s solar panels. The system can then use the stored power to independently run the home for over a day—all with free, solar-sourced power.

Battery technology can also normalize the unpredictable stream of electricity generated by renewable sources. Smart battery technology can store this surplus green energy and dole it out in a constant, steady stream, even when the sun has gone down or when it’s not a good day for hydropower.

2) Demand-Side Response

Modern energy girds experience peak demand periods when homes and businesses are stressing the grid to capacity with their energy demands. “Demand-Side Response” recognizes some homes and businesses are flexible when it comes to when they need their energy.

For example, a grocery store might have several high-capacity refrigerators and freezers that suck a lot of energy every day, but the refrigerators don’t need to be running throughout the day. By installing a special computer chip into the refrigerator, smart technology can sync the refrigerators to satisfy most of their energy need when demand on the grid is low.

3) Smart Property Energy Management

The reduction of energy expenditures is usually a primary goal of both homeowners and real estate property managers. If a homeowner can tweak the thermostat and save $50 a month, a property manager with thousands of homes could do the same to save hundreds of thousands of dollars. The savings add up fast.

At PointCentral, our smart property solutions use smart thermostats for both residential and professional needs. These thermostats adjust themselves automatically to find the most efficient way to heat and cool your home. You can also control them remotely from a smartphone or tablet. At PointCentral, our energy management systems can save between 9 and 16 percent of energy consumption in the winter and between 15 and 23 percent in the summer.


It’s already 2019, and smart home technology has come a long way in terms of futuristic conveniences. With the right smart home technology, property managers, home owners, and residents can benefit from high-level security and impressive energy savings. In fact, with the money savings received from a PointCentral smart property system, these solutions end up paying for themselves.